BEL: Behaviour, Energy transition, Low income (NWO/RVO)

The project is a collaboration of universities and public housing associations. Team: Ioulia Ossokina (lead), Vincent Roberdel, Vladimir Karamychev, Suzan Verberne, Theo Arentze, in collaboration with Atriensis, Woonbedrijf, Bazalt Wonen, PreWonen, Elan Wonen.

About the research

Dutch public housing providers need to make 2 million of their homes energy-efficient in the coming years, to keep up to the climate goals. Good insight into the costs and benefits of these upgrades is therefore crucial. Especially the benefits are difficult to predict however, as they depend on tenants' behaviour and differ by population group.

Our project uses statistical methods, digital models, machine learning, AI to measure and predict the effects of energy efficient homes on the environment and on tenants' finances, comfort, health. We develop tools to support public housing associations in targeting and planning the renovations.