I regularly give workshops and invited talks on different topics connected to my research, see examples below.
I regularly give workshops and invited talks on different topics connected to my research, see examples below.
Workshop "The people's aspect of energy transition in buildings" at Netherlands' Enterprise Agency RVO. To the slides
Invited contribution at Seneca congress for higher management in the care and cure sector. Bringing together living and care. To the slides
To the congress
Speaker at the webinar Data about Living and Care (organised by Platform Zorgsaam Wonen). To the slides
To the webinar
Invited speaker at webinar "Why engineers should care about economics", for Studium Generale of the Eindhoven University of Technology. Announcement. To the video. To the slides.
See my webinar "Using big data to create best living concepts for elderly" (in Dutch), for the pension network Netspar . To the video. To the slides.
Keynote speaker workshop for Dutch local authorities "Collaboration in real estate" (Deventer). To the slides. To the workshop.
Keynote speaker workshop for Irish local authorities "Managing historic towns along the Atlantic Economic Corridor" (Ballina, Ireland). To the slides. To the workshop.
Speaker workshop "Retail vacancy and transformation: insights from Retailagenda" at the congress of 12 Dutch provinces (IPO) "Revitalisation of the real estate". To workshop slides.To the congress.
Speaker Event Eurocommerce "Innovating in retail to keep cities vibrant" To the slides To the event
Co-organizer and speaker symposium "Happy senior living: housing and care for elderly" To the symposium To the project
Speaker China Round table on Green Urbanization and Environmental Improvement (at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency). To the slides
Co-organizer and speaker Policy Seminar "Transport innovations and the long-term spatial policy" (Ministry of the Interior & Ministry of Transport) To the seminar To the project
Cities and Transport