I regularly give workshops and invited talks on different topics connected to my research, see examples below.

Cities and Real Estate

21/02/2023 Workshop "The people's aspect of energy transition in buildings" at Netherlands' Enterprise Agency RVO. To the slides

16/09/2021 Invited contribution at Seneca congress for higher management in the care and cure sector. Bringing together living and care. To the slides To the congress

14/09/2021 Speaker at the webinar Data about Living and Care (organised by Platform Zorgsaam Wonen). To the slides To the webinar

10/11/2020 Invited speaker at webinar "Why engineers should care about economics", for Studium Generale of the Eindhoven University of Technology. Announcement. To the video. To the slides.

25/05/2020 See my webinar "Using big data to create best living concepts for elderly" (in Dutch), for the pension network Netspar . To the video. To the slides.

17/05/2019 Keynote speaker workshop for Dutch local authorities "Collaboration in real estate" (Deventer). To the slides. To the workshop.

22/11/2018 Keynote speaker workshop for Irish local authorities "Managing historic towns along the Atlantic Economic Corridor" (Ballina, Ireland). To the slides. To the workshop.

10/09/2018 Speaker workshop "Retail vacancy and transformation: insights from Retailagenda" at the congress of 12 Dutch provinces (IPO) "Revitalisation of the real estate". To workshop slides.To the congress.

16/05/2018 Speaker Event Eurocommerce "Innovating in retail to keep cities vibrant" To the slides To the event

26/03/2018 Co-organizer and speaker symposium "Happy senior living: housing and care for elderly" To the symposium To the project

Cities and Transport

08/04/2019 Speaker China Round table on Green Urbanization and Environmental Improvement (at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency). To the slides

08/03/2018 Co-organizer and speaker Policy Seminar "Transport innovations and the long-term spatial policy" (Ministry of the Interior & Ministry of Transport) To the seminar To the project